Additional Resources

Below are additional resources for your consumption. They will broaden your understanding of our work together.

Dr. Michele’s Free Gift

Anatomy of an Empowering Story eBook

This ebook is the starting point for our work together. I encourage you to read it before our first class.

Strategy Session Magic: Seven Tips to Closing High-Ticket Sales in One Focused Conversation

18 Ways to Envision Financial Abundance and Actually LIVE It

How Do I Dare to Envision Financial Abundance & What Steps Do I Take to Actually Receive It

What to do When Your Prospect Says “Yes” Then Changes Her Mind: A Next-Level Conversation on Strategy Session Skills (including role play) With Michele & Heidi

Behind the Scenes in Online Marketing: Special LYL Session with Amy Bleser

From Workshop to Strategy Session: A Conversation with Michele and AnaMaria on Exactly How to Book Strategy Sessions with Ease 

How to Write Fantastic Marketing Copy: A Conversation with MaryKay

(Part 1)

How to Write Fantastic Marketing Copy: A Conversation with MaryKay

(Part 2)